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    Research Blitz

    Abdel Rahman Esaka

    Aisha Sidibe

    ENG 110


    Racism in Ivy League School

          The Ivy League school has a long way to go in curbing racism. In the delivery of their services and admission, the schools have been accused of propagating racism yet the administrations describe them as racism-free. Despite the calls for the white and the people of the color to live in harmony without discrimination of either, the black Americans and the immigrants find it rough while undertaking their studies in the Schools. The Academic standards in the schools are the best for colleges in America and the world and hence the students consider themselves privileged. They should accommodate people from all regions but they have consistently failed in delivering their mandate by making it hard for the student of the color to get a chance to study. In this essay, I will examine the education racism in the Ivy League schools to show that it is still rampant despite the argument of the administrators that they accommodate all the students equally.

    Racism is it reduces equality in the delivery of services in an institution. It also affects the efficiency of the interaction of people. Most of the Ivy League schools describe their aim to accommodate the diversity but they have not achieved it in a real situation. Students of the color are discriminated from getting the admission and also receive skewed services. During admission, the students must indicate their race as it is considered as part of the holistic review on the student a factor that has been used to reduce the number of students of the color in the schools. The students of the color are also attacked by their colleagues and upon investigations; the attacks are linked to racism. The schools should enhance equality in the delivery of the services including admission to curb racism practically.



    Works Cited

    Thorne, Gabriela. “For Students Of Color, Ivy League Schools Have A Long Way To Go”. The Nation, 2019, https://www.thenation.com/article/for-students-of-color-ivy-league-schools-have-a-long-way-to-go/. Accessed 27 Mar 2019.